
Laparoscopic Puncture Method: Hasson Puncture Method

The success of laparoscopic surgery relies on precise puncture techniques. Among them, the Hasson puncture method is widely regarded as the most standard and safest laparoscopic puncture method currently available. This article will detail the application points of the disposable laparoscopic trocar in the Hasson puncture method, to aid medical professionals in mastering this technique better.

Features of the Disposable Laparoscopic Trocar

The disposable laparoscopic trocar is an important tool in modern laparoscopic surgery. The Hasson puncture method utilizes this device, with open-vision layer-by-layer dissection to accurately place the puncture device into the abdominal cavity.The disposable laparoscopic trocar has several distinct advantages in its design. First, the device uses high-quality stainless steel material, offering good corrosion resistance and hardness. Secondly, its blunt and rounded-tip blade design effectively reduces puncture injuries, making it especially suitable for obese patients or those with abdominal adhesions. The fully separable structure provides more operational possibilities for clinical use, making the surgical process smoother.

The disposable laparoscopic trocar is designed with a transparent tip that can be used in conjunction with an endoscope to ensure that it does not obstruct the view during abdominal exploration. The stability and accuracy of the device make the Hasson puncture method an ideal choice in laparoscopic surgery.

Steps of the Hasson Puncture Method

When performing the Hasson puncture method, a 10-12 mm incision should first be made at the lower or upper edge of the umbilicus. The position of the incision can be determined based on the surgeon's preference or the adhesion condition of previous incision sites. Use a fine narrow retractor or Kelly hemostatic forceps for blunt dissection. After exposing the linea alba, clamping its sides with hemostatic forceps and lifting it upward, make a 10 mm vertical incision.

Next, ensure that the incision is large enough to insert the disposable laparoscopic trocar. At this point, you can use a finger to check if the opening is sufficient and feel for any local adhesions. Then, insert the Hasson puncture device with the blunt inner core into the abdominal cavity. Rotate the spiral sheath into the fascia to prevent air leakage. Fix the sheath at the incision site with preset sutures, then withdraw the inner core, connect the gas injection tube, and set the gas flow rate and maximum pressure.

During gas injection, closely monitor the intra-abdominal pressure and the total amount of gas. If large omental adhesions or a thick falciform ligament obstruct the entry of the scope, rotate and adjust the scope’s angle to find a suitable path. If the problem cannot be resolved, consider re-exploring or changing the insertion site.

Precautions for Using the Disposable Laparoscopic Trocar

When using the disposable laparoscopic trocar for the Hasson puncture method, the choice of incision position is crucial. It should be selected based on the specific surgical situation to ensure the correct position of the Veress needle to avoid puncture failures or injuries. During the procedure, strictly monitor blood oxygen saturation and arterial blood gas analysis to ensure the safety of the surgery.

When setting the gas flow rate and maximum pressure, especially in elderly patients, pressure should be appropriately reduced to minimize surgical risks. Efforts should be made to shorten the operation time to reduce the incidence of postoperative complications. The design and application of the disposable laparoscopic trocar aim to provide a safer and more precise surgical experience, creating good conditions for patient recovery.

In summary, the combination of the Hasson puncture method and the use of types of laparoscopic trocars represents an efficient and safe puncture technique in laparoscopic surgery. Through precise design and operation of the puncture device, the success rate of surgeries and patient comfort can be greatly improved.

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